The Key To Good Health Is Eating Right for Your Dosha – Vata!



Okay so you have taken the What’s My Dosha Test…..what do you mean you haven’t?

Stop want to feel better, no?  Lose weight? Have more energy?

Let’s do this thing!

Only takes about 5 minutes and the results will unlock insite that will improve your life.

Stop reading right now…. email me at and I will send you that quiz and we can get this party started. The is FREE, yeah, how can your beat free?

So in this series we are going to break down the dosas a bit and simply talk about what you should be eating and doing according to your primary dosha this also applies if you are in a dosha imbalance…we will get into that one later…

Let’s start out with Vata.

We all know that person that is thin, has problems gaining weight, kind of nervous and flighty, always cold, has fine hair, a fair complexion, dry skin, creative and maybe has a tough time sleeping.

This dosha is ruled by air/ether.  These people float above the ground.  They tend to be a bit distracted, chattery and need grounding. I think of a humming birder a butterfly! Buzzing from flower to flower, never staying long, a bit skittish.

If this is your basic physical +/or emotional type, you can benefit from heavier more earthy foods, root veggies, hot soups and stews.  You need a little heft to your food, a little warmth.  Hot food for you is much better than cold.  Vattas do not do well on raw diets, especially in the winter. Their digestion gets a bit airy/gassy and agitated.  Where as the other types need to “lighten up” Vata types need to get grounded.

They have a tendency towards doing yoga but could use some weight training to bulk up their muscles.  They need strong routines to ensure that they eat properly as they tend to miss meals and struggle to get a good night sleep.  They tend to struggle getting and staying asleep.

Now even if you are not this type, you could be in a Vata imbalance. You’ll know if you are feeling some of the characteristics described above.  All of us experience times when were are stressed and or nervous, not sleeping well, distracted, feel a bit like we are floating, disconnected.  We feel kind of separate from what is going on…like an observer.

What you need is to be grounded.  A good baked potatoes with some butter or coconut oil, roasted root veggies, a bowl of hot vegetable soup or chili should do the trick.  Now that is not saying that a hearty bowl of chili is going to cure your ills ( well maybe for a short while). You do not need to address the issues that is making you Vata-esque but by simply eating food that is grounding you will heading out of that Vata imbalance you are feeling.

While a salad filled with leafy greens and tons of rainbow colored veggies is one the best meals out there, for a vatta this type of food fuels the airiness they feel.  That is not to say that they need to give up those incredibly healthy salads. It just means that a denser, heavier, warmer meal at Vata times will have a positive affect as opposed to aggravating the situation.

In many ways I am Vata and crave warm meals.  In the summer months I do eat a big salad with protein for lunch as it keeps me mentally sharp in the warm afternoons but I feel best if I eat a hot breakfast like oatmeal or a poached eggs and a hot dinner.  In the winter my favorite meal is soups and stews…heavy, hot, and grounding.

Next up – Pitta – fire and water!!!! I need a big glass of ice water please!

Are You Eating Right For Your Dosha?

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Many of my clients had never heard of Ayurveda, let alone had any idea of what a dosha is.

These crazy wellness people, what next?

Using Ayurveda and it’s physical/emotional/psychological dosha classifications can be invaluable in figuring out what easy food and lifestyle changes you can make to create a dramatic change in your health and happiness.  Who doesn’t like easy?

I am all about easy!

Ayurveda originated in India over 5000 years ago.  This holistic practice recognizes that we operate on the same system as nature.  When we forget that, we get out of balance and that is when issues and diseases occur.

This practice utilizes the 5 elements of ether, fire, air, earth, water.  It promotes natural wellness practices that put you in balance.

The three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—are derived from the five elements. Also known as mind-body types, the doshas express unique combinations of physical, emotional, and psychological characteristics.

By knowing what dosha combination, rarely are we just one type, you are you can determine what foods and lifestyle changes you can make to be more in balance, feel healthier, lose weight, sleep better and reduce your risk for certain diseases.

In general the doshas break down like this:

Vata – (Air and Ether) – thin, delicate bone structure, low body fat, hard to gain weight

Sensitive, spiritual, running late, can’t sit still, forgets to eat, routine of the day feels difficult and overwhelming, flightiness, memory problems, easily confused, not too present, baldness.

Pitta – (Fire and Water) -medium body frame, well proportioned, prone toward muscularity, easily overheated.

Type A personality, compelled to accomplish things, focused, organized, never misses meals and can be crazy if a meal is skipped, has a strong metabolism.  Workaholic, doesn’t to well in hot humid climates, sassy crates problems that don’t really exists when feeling bored, needs to eat often.

Kapha – (Earth and Water) – larger body type, not necessarily overweight, gains weight easily, holds fat and water, strong, great powerful athlete when in shape

Grounded, stable, solid, clear about the ways of the world, sensual, strong sexuality, sense of physicality, steady appetite but not overly strong like pitta, can miss a meal, slower metabolism, resists exercise and is slower moving, often trying to lighten up (physically and emotionally)

So which dosha sounds most like you? Most likely a few!

Want to find out and receive three free recommendations for what you can do today to get more in balance?

Shoot me an email at Mindy’s Email and I will send you the “What’s My Dosha” quiz, return the results for three personalized recommendations that can make a difference in your life, today!

Stay tuned for my continuing series on Ayurveda, doshas and how simple changes and make all the difference!

I told you, it’s all about easy! 😎

You Deserve To Be Healthy!



So Why Do You Overeat?


One very important thing that I have learned in the last 6 years of coaching clients:  Overeating is rarely about just eating too much food!  Food is more than just food…..

Unless you are one of the rare people that realizes that food is fuel and so you eat only healthy food that your body needs, in the correct portions thus maintaining a perfect balance between calories in and energy used, chances are you are like the rest of us, you eat for other reasons…the longer you let those reason dictate what you eat the more unhealthy you are going to be. Sorry, just a fact! The truth will set you free!

One of the most important realizations that you can come to, that will have a huge effect on your long-term health, is what drives you to eat.

Stressed? – Many people overeat when they are stressed.  It gives them emotional comfort. Eating comfort food brings many people back to their childhood and a simpler time.

Bored? – I’m guilty of this one. Got nothing better to do so your forage in the kitchen looking for something to eat, filling in the time hoping that food  will end your boredom?  Doesn’t work well does it? Nope

Feeling lonely or unloved?  Most of us associate food with our childhood, a loving caring parent, baking us cookies, a warm family atmosphere while you share a meal around the kitchen table.  How’s that quart of Ben and Jerry’s filling in for your feeling alone?  Probably not doing to much for you but making you overweight and feeling more unloveable.

Life out of control?  Many eat because they feel powerless in other areas of their life. They overeat because they can and no one is going to tell them not to.  Eating is one of those things that we use as control.  I’ll eat what I want, when I want  and as much as I want, just watch me.

Feeling bad about yourself?  Ah what the heck, my job is going down the tubes, the kids are driving me nuts and the spouse is checked out.  I think I’ll eat a pint of ice cream and wow that tastes good. Many I hate myself for not having any control over my eating..and the cycle continues.

These are just a few of the more common reasons we overeat.

You can go a any diet you want but in the end you will not make permanent, life altering changes to your weight or your health until you identify and address why your overeat!


Are You A Good Fat Burner? It May Be Your Digestion!


Seems as you get older it just get harder and harder to lose weight.

And to drive a girl even more nuts, gaining weight seems to get easier and easier. What?

I’ve worked with a lot of women in the 40’s and beyond that want to lose weight.

It ain’t easy, at times it seems downright impossible.

The key to being a good fat burner is having a good digestion.

A body bogged down with toxins, sugar and processed food is not going to burn fat.

No amount of exercise is going to do the trick!

I have heard more personal trainers say their clients just don’t get it….you can’t expect to lose weight just because you spend time working out if you don’t eat healthy food and have great digestion.

I don’t promote a sedentary life either but you just have to have good digestion if you are going to lose that weight and keep it off.

So want to know how to start being a good fat burner?

Start with these four areas.

1.Get hydrated – drink more water – not tea, not coffee but water – preferably room temp, add some lemon,1/2 your body weight in ounces. You are made up of mostly water.  Without proper hydration you will stop burning fat.

2. Detox your body – your liver is a key organ for creating good digestion. Eat foods that take toxins out of your body. Some great foods for this are: Chia seeds, organic berries, broccoli, brussel sprouts, leafy greens, beets, just to name a few. Eat organic – it does matter!

3. Boost your immune system – the vast amount of your immune system is located around your gut…unhealthy gut, unhealthy you.  And when we don’t feel well we gain weight.  Boost your immune system with fruits and vegetables, getting proper rest, reduce stress and spend time doing things you enjoy!

4. Give your body time to burn fat.  The more frequently you eat the less body fat you will burn.  You will burn the fat you have eaten but not body fat.  Also if you are eating the wrong combination of foods you will actually be storing some of those calories as fat in your body. Intermittent fasting is a great option.

We all know the health benefits of being a healthy weight.  We are not talking model thin but a healthy weight.  You have a lower risk for diabetes, heart disease and cancer. We all want to live as long as we can and be able to do the things we love until the end. Getting yourself to a healthy weight through creating great digestion is the key!

You Deserve to be Healthy!

Want to create a customized plan that will get you burning fat like a pro, shoot me an email at – Make the subject – Burn Fat Like a Pro!



Now That It’s Fall It’s Back To Business


I know I am not unusual…strange maybe, kinda quirky, but not all that different from the average middle-aged woman.

I love the fall…okay I am a weirdo, I like fall better than summer…..

More than January 1 or the promise of spring, I find fall to be the season when I am most motivated to get healthy, lose weight and I get super excited about cooking and eating healthy food.

Gone are the lazy days of summer. Ya lazy ’cause it is so stinkin’ hot!

But It is still warm enough to get out and move.

And sleep, well who doesn’t love the cool nights, under some cozy blankets, windows still open!

I am going back to bed right now!


I love my salads and fresh garden veggies (my garden this year was grass and poison ivy) but ah for the love of stews, soups and warm comfort food…..

My first goal is to eat more seasonally – looking forward to the cabbage, squashes and sweet potatoes.

I’ll be right back I need to look in the fridge, I am starving!

My second big goal this fall is to exercise. I’m a book nerd..I would rather read! Sooooo…….

I bought a fitbit, hooked up with some friends for a good dose of peer pressure and I am now walking 10,000 steps a day, along with 20-60 minutes of yoga.

The scale isn’t dropping much yet, but hey we all know that we post-50 ladies take a whole lot longer to move that dial, but my pants feel comfy and I have tons of energy. Score!

My third big goal is to get my digestion on-track, everyday, consistently! This is one of the biggest keys to good health and weight-loss.

So more water, more fiber!

So what are you doing now that the kids are back in school (mine are long gone – little devils) and you have maybe a little more time to focus on yourself?

The holidays are only a few months away, I know – shut-up woman, now is the time to form some strong healthy habits that will carry you through.

Now that I am back on the blog…..I’ll be bringing you healthy tips, some easy recipes and as always offering coaching and cooking services…..

Let me know what you need!

And always remember…

You Deserve to be Healthy

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It Is Not About Being Perfect!



My clients run the gambit on their level of healthy eating.

Some are still eating at drive-thru burger joints, visiting Dunkin Donuts for coffee and a jelly filled for breakfast on the way to work and haven’t exercised in years.

Other clients are vegetarians or vegans, do yoga everyday but can’t lose weight, have digestive issues or just want to be healthier.

So where do you fall?

Like most people I sometimes sway with the breeze of whom I am with at meal-time.

At a friend’s house for a weekend, well then “when in Rome” applies.

I am a firm believer that as long as you are working to do better, then you are on the right track!

Life is short and there is some awesome food out there!

Yeah I ate a couple of mini brownies and drank some awesome wine from the Finger Lakes last weekend but…..

This morning I did my yoga, drank my dandelion based green drink and ate a light vegetarian lunch and dinner.

Right back on the proverbial horse!

In every situation I tried to choose the healthiest option but sometimes, every once in a while, that little mini chocolate covered cream puff calls my name, and I cave!

So when that happens, I eat that little bugger slowly, savoring every..tiny…bite and think, Hmmmm how can I make this, so they are healthy! 😎

So where do you fall on the spectrum of health eating?

Do you try to make good decisions most days?

If so, you rock! If not, how about giving it a try!

You Deserve to be Healthy!

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Many women I know have issues with diarrhea.  It limits their lives in ways that I can’t begin to imagine.

A dear friend of mine has such bad IBS and a strong reaction to lactose that she spends a large part of her morning confined to the nearest restroom if she is able to make it out of her house at all.  All this from eating a tiny bowl of ice cream or a cup of yogurt!

So what is really happening when we experience this issue?

It is truly amazing how much water is usually absorbed through the colon – two gallons every day.  If you have chronic diarrhea, you aren’t getting the maximum benefit from foods because you are not absorbing all the nutrients.

Diarrhea is a symptom, not a disease.  It is characterized by the frequent passage of watery stools.

Some of the more common causes are viruses, food poisoning, parasites, anxiety and nervousness or reactions to food, alcohol or medications.  Antibiotic, antacids and other products containing magnesium, anti-hypertensive medications, laxatives that are not bulk forming and medications for irregular heartbeat can all cause diarrhea.

Diarrhea is a healthy way for your body to eliminate the irritant causing you a  problem. Most experts consider it best to let it run its course if possible, while rehydrating to prevent dehydration.
You should seek medical attention if you have a temp above 101, a black tarry stool or diarrhea that persists for more than 10 days.

Here are  some of the specific causes of diarrhea:

The use of Antibiotics cause the intestines to become inflamed.  The result is diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever.  One of the easiest things to do to combat this issue is to take probiotics.

People who have lactase deficiency also have problems with diarrhea.  Milk sugar, lactose, cannot be absorbed by the small intestines.  Bacteria in the colon break the lactose into simple sugars, which then exert an osmotic force in the colon, resulting in loose stools.  Avoiding dairy will generally help you to avoid this type of reaction.

Certain bacteria give off toxins that stick to the intestinal lining.  Although these toxins do not damage the intestinal lining they do cause the cells to secrete massive amounts of fluid, which results in voluminous watery diarrhea so typical of food poisoning.

Certain diseases can result in diarrhea.  Crohn’s disease , a common form of inflammatory bowel disease, tends to impair absorption and leads to diarrhea.  Irritable Bowel Syndrome or (IBS) is the most common cause on chronic diarrhea in women in developed countries.

Acute diarrhea can also be cause by parasites.  Many times these are found in contaminated water and can be very common in developing countries.

Traveler’s Diarrhea is caused by ingesting contaminated food and/or water.

Chronic diarrhea, or an issue that last beyond 2 weeks, is often caused by another disease.  Patients with AIDS are prone to develop diarrhea.  Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s and certain bowel infections, along with gallbladder removal and the consumption of a high fat diet can result in diarrhea.

Here are some tips on what to avoid and what you might want to try.  Remember that everyone is different, what works for one person may not work for you.

When you are experiencing diarrhea you usually are not hungry.  It is your body’s way of not feeding the intestinal “bugs”.  Many people find relief in the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.  These foods are binding and bland.

Foods that have a  high protein content such as meat, chicken, fish and eggs more readily support overgrowth of bacteria than do carbohydrates.  Dry food is less likely to cause food poisoning.  One important key is refrigeration: food should never be allowed to sit without refrigeration for more than three hours.

Avoid sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol that are found in dietetic candies and sweets that cause diarrhea.  Some people have the same reaction to fructose and lactose.

Avoid dairy products as lactose is an irritant for many people.

Investigate food allergies and sensitivities with an elimination diet.

Take probiotics to restore the healthy bacteria that can be destroyed by taking antibiotics.

Use olive oil.  Some studies show that oleic acid, the main fatty acid in olive oil slowed down the transit time in people with chronic diarrhea.  Give it a try and see if it works for you.

Use Psyllium daily to solidify stools.  Begin with 1 to 2 teaspoons in at least 8 oz of water.  It may give you gas at first but that should calm down after a few days.

Hydrate:  The most important thing you can do if you have a bout of diarrhea is to drink 8 to 10 glasses of fluid.  Water, fruit juice or vegetable juice is the best.  Avoid dairy products since milk sugar may be poorly absorbed and cause more irritation.

To avoid traveler’s diarrhea remember to always drink from sealed water bottles.  The most common food contaminates are fruits and veggies.  If you can’t peel it don’t eat it.  Washing fruit in local water will only make it worse.  Wash your hands frequently.

Diarrhea is seldom serious but can be very annoying and restrictive.

As a nutrition coach I help many of my clients figure out what food affect their digestion and what food really enhance their health.  If I can be of any help, let me know.

I would love to hear from you.

You Deserve to be Healthy!

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Ginger is the underground stem or rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale. It has been used as medicine in Asian, Indian and Arabic herbal traditions since ancient times.

For example, in China ginger has been used to aid digestion and treat stomach upset, diarrhea and nausea for more than 2,000 years. It has also been used to help treat arthritis, colic and heart conditions. In addition to these medicinal uses, ginger continues to be valued around the worLD as an important cooking spice and is believe to help relieve the symptoms of the common cold and the flu.

Today, health care professionals commonly recommend ginger to help prevent or treat nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness, pregnancy, and cancer chemotherapy. Conventional prescription and nonprescription medicines that decrease nausea may also cause unwanted side effects, such as dry mouth and drowsiness. Given the safety of ginger, many people find it a welcome alternative to these medications to relieve their discomfort.

Although it is too early to tell if ginger will benefit those with heart disease, preliminary studies suggest that ginger may lower cholesterol and help prevent the blood from clotting. Each of these effects may protect the blood vessels from blockage and the damaging effects of blockage such as atherosclerosis, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Laboratory studies have also found that components in ginger may have anticancer activity. More research is needed to determine the effects of ginger on various cancers in humans.

Ginger is used as an old Ayurvedic remedy that was given to people with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It reduces pain and swelling in various amounts in 75 % of the people tested, with no reported side effects.

One professional Ironman triathelete says that ”Ginger is worthy of any diet. Ginger can help the digestion process and ease and upset stomach. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and so aids in the recovery of soft-tissue injuries and help promote quicker healing of strains.” He loads up on ginger as his training increases.

According to Ann Louise Gittleman, M.S., C.N.S. “Ginger lessens your risk of excess insulin by speeding your metabolism and by lowering your glucose level. Gingerroot also helps reduce toxic buildup in the fat cells and supports bile flow.

This tasty little root is amazing and you need to try it yourself. Like everything else the affect it may have on your symptoms may differ from other so experiment. Try some ginger tea to start. Traditional Medicinals has a great ginger tea that I love to drink. If you want to make your own: steep 1.5 teaspoons of powdered ginger or a few slices of ginger root in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain and sweetened with honey. Drink up to three cups a day. This offers great temporary relief from acid indigestion or intestinal gas.

With little to no side effects for most people ginger is a safe and natural way to get relief from some of the more common digestive symptoms. Ginger will not eliminate your digestive problems – those can only be taken care of by addressing the cause and modifying your diet and lifestyle.

You deserve to be healthy!

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome, So Now What Do I Do, Part Two!

lady with stomach abhe

Okay so here is what we know so far…….click here to read part one in case you missed it!

There is a connection between food intolerances and IBS.

Keeping a food journal can help you to make the connections between what you are eating and your IBS flare-ups.

Soluble and insoluble fiber can make a huge difference in your symptoms.

Sugar is a huge factor in perpetuating your IBS symptoms.

The importance of probiotics.

How important it is too eat smaller meals slowly so as not to overwhelm your digestive tract.

So, now let’s talk about other changes that you can make to get control of your IBS.

Limit the amount of fatty foods that you eat.
Red meat is a very common trigger that can cause a reaction instantly.
Some find that they feel better if they eliminate red meat all together.

Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
Water regulates the digestion as well as powers the muscles.
If you are dehydrated your digestive problems will be amplified.

Along with eating slower, eat foods that make digestion easier.
When you are experiencing a flare-up, eat food that has been processed in a way that makes it easier for your body to obtain the nutrients that it needs without working overtime.
Soups and smoothies are perfect for these times.

Along with the food irritants we discussed earlier, avoid alcohol, tobacco and gum.
Alcohol and tobacco are very acidic and will irritate your system.
Most gums contain artificial sweeteners and chemicals that just don’t sit well with a twitchy digestion.

Take a multi vitamin.
For many, IBS makes it hard for the body to absorb the proper nutrients.
While there is no substitution for real whole foods, help your body along during these tough times but adding a good multi.

Use herbs as medicine.
You don’t have to be a trained herbalist or go foraging in the rain forest to gain relief from herbs.
Here are a few that I recommend.

Peppermint is one of the oldest herbal remedies known to woman.
You can take it for indigestion, gas and nausea.
It has an anti-spasmodic action with a calming effect on the muscles of the stomach, intestinal tract and uterus.
It is an anti-bacterial.
It stimulates the gallbladder to secrete its store of bile which the body uses to digest fats.
It improves the muscles that line the stomach and intestines and relieves diarrhea and has a calming numbing effect on the whole GI tract.
It can be such a strong muscle relaxant that it can cause problems for people with GERD or heartburn.

Chamomile is considered an official drug in 26 countries.
It is an antispasmodic., anti-fungal, anti inflammatory, anti-peptic and has incredible sedative properties.
It has a dramatic calming affect on smooth muscle tissue, which makes it the perfect remedy for gastrointestinal spasm, and menstrual cramps.

Ginger is instrumental in helping to relieve many different gastrointestinal symptoms ranging from simple gas to severe nausea and cramps.
It provides relief for morning sickness, post chemotherapy nausea and has been shown to be more effective for preventing motion sickness than Dramamine.
If you have overeaten a meal, it has proven to be very helpful as it contains a very powerful digestive enzymes.
Ginger also tones digestive muscles.

Other herbs that play a role in digestive disorder relief are: fennel, caraway, anise, oregano and catnip.

As you can see there are foods that can cause your IBS flare-ups, foods that will help ease your issues, ways of eating as well as herbs that will go a long way to reduce the number of occurrences as well as the severity of the problems you are having with IBS.

If you want to learn more about your IBS symptoms and want to make the steps to be free of this limiting issue, forever, shoot me an email and let’s talk!

You Deserve to be Healthy!
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Produce vs Products! Getting Healthy For The Long-Term!


I get approached to sell products all the time. Arg!

You have the Juice-Plus people, the Arbonne people, the Beach Body people and there is Herbalife, Shaklee, the list is endless.

Everyone’s got a drink, pill, powder that will take care of the fact that we are not eating the way we should! Hmmm!


I am the “if it was created by mother nature, eat it” person!

We want a quick-fix with our fast food! We want to feel better, uh NOW!

It has taken us decades to ruin our health but we want it fixed in 5 minutes.

Not going to happen.

I have no doubt that there is some benefit to some of the products mentioned above, but how long are you going to pay for something that is not natural, has added ingredients you may not need or want, when you can get the same benefit from your food?

I know you’re eating something, and yes it does matter!

And I am sure, or I hope that this is true, no matter how many of the products you are doing, going off and eating junk is not going to be negated by a pill.

Everything you eat makes up everything you are.


If this is your typical diet –

Breakfast: bagel and cream cheese and coffee



Maybe some kind of shake or pill

Lunch: Sausage grinder with fries and a coke

Afternoon Snack: Cookies and a diet coke or some other soda

Maybe another shake and some more pills

Dinner: Take out and some beer or wine!

Guess what?

You are made of junk food.

No amount of supplements, shakes or pills are going to change that and unfortunately people think it does.

They think these “products” can be a substitute for healthy eating! Nope!

I contend, wild concept here, eat food that makes you healthy, save money by not buying the products,  take that money and go on a really cool vacation.


Just eat real food!

You will have more energy, less digestive problems, more money, a longer life, weight-less and will be creating a life you can sustain over the long run!

Come on it really is that simple!

You know you have to eat…why not make that the way you get healthy.

I am staying away from specific product bashing – it is too time consuming and I am not in the mood to deal with all the pissed off people that believe they are helping people while making a little money on the side.

Do you know of anyone that is over the age of 40 (might be able to say that bout 30 or 35) that is healthy, weighs what they should weigh (that does not necessarily mean runway model thin), that has tons of energy?

Tell me what they are doing to achieve and maintain this?

I bet it is eating a healthy plant-based diet (does not have to be vegetarian), have gotten control of their sugar issues by not eating sugary processed stuff, they exercise daily, drink very little if any alcohol , tons of water and get a proper amount of rest.

I know some of these women!

I would love to hear if you know of anyone that has achieved this without that formula.

I am not talking someone that is just skinny! Nope not a measure of healthy!

I know a lot of women, most of which try these “synthetic” fixes and maybe they lose some weight or maybe they gain a little energy but they never maintain any of those changes for long.

I know you want it to be easy, pop a pill, drink a shake but it is not.

You want to be healthy forever, not for a month!

It is actually more simple than that but it takes the desire to make a permanent change.

Commit to 21 days of  eating only natural healthy foods!

Do it on your own or try my natural, food based program filled with support, information and REAL FOOD!

Check out the program! Click here!

You can be healthy for the rest of your life – it just take action!

Get started and make lasting changes!

You Deserve to Be Healthy the Natural Way!

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